Monday 8 December 2014

Assignment 2: Expanding Square Layout and Composition

Semester break is over and we are back to campus after a month. Although I wrote this post as Assignment 2, this is actually the first assignment that we did on our first ever class of 2 Dimensional Design. The subject is new to all of us but our lecturer is Miss Lisa, whom we have known for a semester as she taught us Principles of Design last semester.

We started off the class with a lecture about "Expanding the Squares". To summarise the lecture, it is mainly about a design is able to be expanded into different shapes and sizes rather than just having the design cramped up in a square. By doing this, it makes the design look much more interesting. We would also need to play around with the positive and negative spaces. Each of us are required to make one symmetrical and one asymmetrical design, both 4.5" and is only allowed to use 2 colours. After the lecture and explanations regarding our assignment, Miss Lisa showed us some examples. Those examples were done by our seniors and it looks really good.

As usual, we were asked to come up with a few themes and the lecturer will choose one that suits us the most. The themes that I came up with are kimono, koi fish and geisha. In the end, my chosen theme is Geisha. These are some of the sketches:

I got some inspiration from these pictures:

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