Monday 8 December 2014

Assignment 1: Unconventional Self Portrait (Lecture and Process)

Ms Lisa briefed us about this new assignment via Facebook. She posted it on our Foundation in Design's Facebook group so that all of us could see and could also ask her via Facebook Messenger or chat if we have any questions about it.

For this assignment, we are required to do a self portrait, regardless whether we draw, make a sculpture or use something else to represent ourselves. We also need to present it to her along with the explanations and meanings of our design or sculpture.

After I spent some time thinking whether to draw or to make something, I finally decided to make a sculpture for my self portrait assignment. This is because for those who chose Figure Drawing as part of our elective, we also have a self portrait or ourselves. I thought to myself, since I am already drawing one, why not make a sculpture for the other self portrait for a change.

The egg sculpture that I have in mind was a cracked egg. When it is cracked open, there will be a smaller egg. The smaller one is not as fragile as the egg. Therefore, I chose a ping pong ball as it is not too hard that it could not be flattened nor is it too fragile to be crushed.

These are some of the pictures that I used as reference for the cracked egg design:

These are some of the pictures of when I was making the sculpture:
I used balloons to make the shape of an egg as its shape is not round but a little bit oval.

What it looks like after it is cut in half. I made 2 eggs although I only needed one for the assignment. It is an extra egg just in case I failed the first one and I needed to do another at the last-minute would be stressful. It also takes up a lot of time especially the drying process of the paper mache. In the end, the first one was successful and the second one was not needed. 

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