Wednesday 10 December 2014

Introduction to Business - Ethics and Social Responsibility

Ethics are beliefs or ideas about 3 things:
- Right vs Wrong
- Good vs Evil
- Fair vs Unfair

Different people would have different beliefs, especially due to the people of varying race, culture and society. For example, it may be ethical for some people but it may be unethical to other societies. Doing something legal means that we are following the law whereas doing something ethical means doing something that is morally right.

There are 4 areas in business ethics:
- Environment
- Employees
- Investors
- Customer

There are 4 approach to Social Responsibility:
- Obstructionist Approach
- Defensive Approach
- Accommodative Approach
- Proactive Approach

After the lecture, we had a presentation which we were required to do within an hour and to present it in class straight away. However, a technical error occurred when it was our turn. We do have the presentation at hand and these are the presentation titled as "Ethics in Advertising".

The lesson about ethics appeal a lot to me because I now fully know about the fact that some things that occurred or happened may not entirely be right or wrong. It always has 2 sides to it, which is wither it is illegal but morally right or it is legal but immoral.

I have always wondered about the ethics in the society, especially the one where it is illegal but morally right. For example, someone has been bullied in school for quite some time and the school does nothing about it and a person stands up for the one being bullied and actually imitated their bullying ways onto them instead. In my opinion, it is not right to bully someone. However, when they inflict pain to someone else, they should get caught and be punished the same way as how they treated others. Although it is illegal, but it is morally right.

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