Thursday 11 December 2014

Final Assignment - Charity Sale

For our Business class' finals, we need to do a charity sale in campus for a week.

We made our own poster for the charity sale:

All of the 5 Ps that we have learnt in class were decided by ourselves. My group consist of Shukie, Wei Yi, Seen Ying, Kuai Bing and myself. My group was selling notebooks, laptop sticker, anime stickers, phone covers and popsicles. All of our products can be requested, meaning they can have any design the customer desires except for the popsicles, of course. Moreover, all of the profits that we earned throughout this charity sale goes to charity. We chose to donate the money to the SPCA. These are some pictures of out products that we were selling throughout the week of the charity sale and a video about our product and packaging:

Handmade phone cover templates.

Requested laptop sticker.

Bunch of anime stickers.

Notebooks of 2 sizes, A4 and A5.


Totoro laptop sticker.

Dreamcatcher laptop sticker.

Ribcage laptop sticker.

We chose a location where there is more air ventilation because our requested phone covers includes spray painting it, if the customers want it. The smell of the spray paint is very strong that some people dislikes it. We put out some examples of our products on the table to attract by-passers. 

These are some pictures of us preparing our products:

We promoted our products by having 2 members of my group to wear Rilakkuma onesies and walk around the first and second floor of the campus. Other than that, the 2 of them also bring along the donation box. However, there are more people who wanted to take pictures of them rather than donating. These are some pictures of the 2 Rilakkuma walking around and promoting and a video about our promotions that we have done:

Some of the customers does not want the packaging because they wanted to either stick the laptop stickers onto their laptop or put on their new phone covers straight away. These are some of the packagings for our products:

Last but not least, we have made a total profit of RM1813.20 by the end of the charity sale. After donating the money to them, the people in charge gave us a tour around the SPCA and we also played with the animals there. Here are some pictures of when we went to the SPCA and donated it to the organisation ourselves and a video about our journey to the SPCA:

This is a link to our video about our self-reflection on the charity sale:

I have to admit that it is really fun and we did enjoy ourselves throughout the charity sale. Although it was very tiring but we have learned a lot and gained lots of experience that some of us may never have the chance to experience. However, if I was given another chance to do this, I would not want to. Besides that, my most favourite part of the whole charity sale is the part when I am needed to decorate and design requested items.

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