Saturday 13 December 2014

Assignment 1: Unconventional Self Portrait (Presentation)

As usual, we pasted our self portraits all around the glass wall of the classroom. Due to my self portrait being a sculpture, I held it during my presentation. For those who drew on paper or anything else that was flat, was pasted onto the glass wall.

This is the outcome of my structure:

I used an egg to symbolise myself because an egg is fragile and it breaks easily. It does not break when it is held carefully, but when it drops, it cracks and breaks apart. It represents my outer wall, my comfort zone, a barrier that I put myself in. However, along the way of growing up, I met people of different backgrounds and mindsets. I thought everything was rainbows and unicorns and I let my 'wall' down. Everything was fine until they show their true nature, their real personalities that they have been hiding all these time. I felt like I was being lied to, been betrayed and I had all these mixed emotions that I could not comprehend. Then I truly realised that there are always people out there that are not or will never be comfortable and friendly towards you. As I would always say, we can't please everyone. Therefore, incidents happen and friendships were lost and there was no turning back. I do not even want to go back to how it was because those people that I met was not true friends. Therefore, I made a cracked egg as it shows that my barrier was broken, and can never be fixed. However, after all that I have been through, it has also made me stronger. My mind is able to accept all these that has happened and made it into life lessons for myself so that I would not be faced with the same situation ever again. That is why I put a ping pong ball in the egg and you can see it when you open up the egg. A ping pong ball is not as fragile and as easily broken as an egg. It shows that although you were hurt and broken, but you still learnt something from it and moved on to be someone stronger. 

I splattered some shades of brown on top of the egg as part of the detail. An egg is not entirely one colour, therefore I made some little dot-looking designs on it. 

These are some of the artworks that my classmates have produced for this assignment:

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