Thursday 11 December 2014

Introduction to Business - Leading Your People

Employee's behaviours affects the progress of a company a lot and it is very important to have employees with good behaviours.

There are different types of behaviours that we can see from employees around the place. This includes:
- Performance Behaviours
This is a desirable behaviour just like Corporate Citizenship Behaviours. This contributes directly to the productivity of their work. An employee's work would be done more and the firm's goals will be achieved faster if the employees have this behaviour in them. A clear explanation in table-based, taken from the lecturer's presentation slides that he showed us during his lessons. 

- Corporate Citizenship behaviours
This enhances a worker's performance behaviour. Employees with this behaviour would behave in a friendly manner which could also affect the employees around him or her to work harder.

- Counter - Productive Behaviours
This behaviour reduces his or her work productivity, which is not good towards the company he or she is working under. 

The Big 5 (OCEAN) :

Work attitude is very important in a workplace, especially job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Job satisfaction shows whether a worker is happy or unhappy about their job whereas organisational commitment refers to whether the worker is committed and loyal to her company that she is working under. The picture below shows a simple chart about how a good work attitude would affect the productivity of a company:

Motivations and Needs

The bottom 2 are basic needs whereas the top 3 are advanced needs. "A person usually will satisfy his basic needs first before he attends to the more advance needs." - Maslow Therefore, a person's needs starts from the bottom and slowly move onto the top.
The picture above shows the motivation and needs of a person if someone were to apply this theory to the workplace. 

Class Activity:
We did a class activity in class and Mr Joe chose our theme for us. We acted out as if we were in a classroom where only one or two students actually pay attention to the lecturer in class. After that, the  lecturer thought of other ways to teach her students and it finally made the class more interesting and the amount of student's participation has also increased. I played the role of a narrator and therefore, I started off the play with a few sentences regarding our sketch. 

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