Thursday 26 June 2014

Assignment 5: Greeting Cards (Presentation)

The day of our presentation of our greeting cards assignment was also the last day of our first semester. Getting back to the presentation, each of us took a spot around the classroom to show our greeting cards on the table as if it was another mini gallery. I was the last one to present my assignment.

As usual, the first thing that pops into a person's mind when Chinese New Year was mentioned was the colour red. Therefore, I chose to use the colour red for the word as well as the card. This Mandarin word is actually a combination of 4 words and it means luck and money comes rolling to us. A little bit of calligraphy can be seen in the word because back in the olden days, citizens of China uses only calligraphy for both writing and drawing.

A close view of the Typography version of a Christmas tree. I used the colour blue for the card because it is a cool colour and Christmas is celebrated on 25th December, which is the season of winter in some countries. The season was the reason as to why I made a spinning snowflake on the cover of the greeting card. As the snowflake was light, it moves around when there is slight wind.

I made bunny ears for the envelope of the Easter greeting card and wrote "Bunnies greet you, they've come to say, 'I wish you well this Easter Day'." In addition, the colour purple is a traditional colour foe Easter Day, hence the fact that I used that colour for the envelope as well as the egg's designs. I chose the colour red, pink, yellow and purple for the colours of the egg because red represents love and sacrifice for the goodness of humanity, pink indicates fresh beginnings, yellow brings joy and happiness and purple was explained earlier. This Easter egg spins as you blow it and you can see the colourful colours as well as the designs as it spins. 

Well, enough of my presentation of my assignment. These are a few of my classmate's greeting cards:

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