Saturday 13 December 2014

Assignment 3: Monogram (Process)

After all of us have decided on the word for our style, we started on our sketches. I did quite a number of sketches throughout the week and showed the lecturer. These are the sketches that I have made with my initial, which was SJY:

As you can see, most of the colours that I have used in my sketches are pastel colours such as mint, lavender and baby blue. 

Ms Lisa said the sketch in the middle fits my style a lot and asked me to expand my ideas for that particular design and I did.

This is the outcome of the design in the picture above this one. I added in a bow, making it look more elegant and soft. 

After getting the lecturer's approval to continue on after the sketches, we started cutting our designs on transparent plastic, also known as making a stencil:

I made 2 sizes and after they were done, I started to do the monogram on paper as practice. I used spray paints of different colours for these:

 After a few practices, I started doing the monogram on different items. As for the one in this picture below, I used an A3 sized art block for my poster.

We were required to stencil onto 6 items, minimum. My friends and I went out together to get all the items that we need for this assignment. Basically, we had fun while doing our assignment, which was a really good experience and we also made many new memories. Other than that, we also need to make another 2 monograms. One is a poster while the other is a repetition of the monogram. 

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