Thursday 26 June 2014

Assignment 5: Greeting Cards (Lecture)

Ms Lisa told us the day before the class that we are required to come up with themes for our next assignment, which was to make greeting cards. We need to propose the ideas to her and she will choose what she thinks would be best for us. Plus, we need to make 3 different greeting cards with the same theme.

The theme that I proposed was:
- Snowflake
- Tribal patterns
- Leaves printing

I came up with a few themes and I also made a few rough sketches:

She told me to use the snowflake as part of my assignment but the theme that she wanted me to do was non of the above. When I showed her the sketchbook, the page on the left caught her eye as it was an assignment that I did for Creative Thinking Skills.

These were the one that caught Ms Lisa's attention as it can be spanned when the book is held upright. Thus, my theme was spinning greeting cards. We discussed about the theme and we decided to make greeting cards for Chinese New Year, Christmas and Easter.

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