Thursday 5 June 2014

30th May 2014 (Week 17)
Seow Jie Yi (0318873)
Introduction to Photography
Final 5


Seow Jie Yi (born March 1996, Malaysia) studying Foundation in Design in Taylor's University Lakeside Campus. I have always had an interest in photography since I was young. Although I own a few books about photography, I still could not fully understand some of the explanations. Therefore, I have chosen this elective in hope that I could gain more knowledge on photography in order to take better photographs in the future.

After showing the first five photos regarding the final project process, Mr Vinod gave a few feedbacks that really helped me out throughout the process. The most memorable one was when he said that in order to get a unique and different outcome, we have to do something that is unthinkable or in other words, doing something almost impossible. Designers are required to be unique in their own way in order to shine brighter than the other designers out there int he world. Therefore, Mr Vinod wants us to train ourselves to earn the best outcomes through thick and thin.

The theme that I have chosen is 'Beauty in Nature'. I have always loved the nature since I was young because in my opinion, nature gives me a sense of peacefulness. Although nature is mostly green in colour but somehow I will never get bored of it. I am grateful that Mr Vinod gave me the chance to go with the theme that I have chosen. There are ups and downs in everything you do and I have also faced a few problems while taking these photos. Most of the obstacles were caused by the unforeseen weather because the photos that I need for my theme can only be taken outdoors and also outside of my comfort zone.

Besides that, I felt that I have accomplished something when a few people gave me good reactions when they saw my photos. This made me feel that I have learnt and improved my photography skills. The photo that had gotten the most attention is the second photo, which is a closed up shot of flowers. I was actually lucky because it rained before I went out to the park to take photos for this project, specifically the third photo in this series. In my opinion, the droplets that were dangling on the edge of the leaf gave it a dramatic feel to the photo.

Other than that, due to the fact that my theme was nature, I could not plan for things to happen nor can I have insects and animals pose for me while I take the photos. This was one of the obstacles that I had to overcome while taking photos for this final project. Therefore, I had to grab whatever chance that I had. For example, when I see an insect on a leaf or a dragonfly flying just above the surface of the water, I had to be careful not to scare off the insects while trying to get as close as possible to get the shot that I had in mind.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my photography lecturer, Mr Vinod for sharing his knowledge on photography with us. I am grateful to have such a great lecturer because he had always been very patient with us and he gave us useful advices that guided us through our lessons and assignments. I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge on photography throughout these 18 weeks and I will never regret choosing this elective.

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