Thursday 26 June 2014

Assignment 4: Colour Theory (Process and Presentation)

Today is the day of the barbecue party for all the 3 intakes from our course, Foundation in Design. Our assignment was associated with the party as we were supposed to provide the entertainment for the evening. Therefore, our class split into 2 groups.

My group prepared a game called Colour Splash. It's a dart game where you have to pop the balloon which were filled with acrylic paint and were pinned on large canvases using thumbtacks. As the balloon popped, the paint will splash around the popped balloon as well as trickling down the canvas making it seem like an abstract art.

The other group prepared a game using poster colour and cooking oil. They prepared trays filled with water with a layer of oil on top. The poster colour which was dropped onto the oil later on floats on the oil. An abstract art was also produced when they dipped a paper onto the oil lightly. Besides that, they also had cupcakes up for grab IF they could guess the flavour of the cupcake.

These are some of the photos of when we were preparing for the game:

These were the acrylic colours that we used to fill the balloons.

We taped part of the canvas so that it has a pattern. It will be taken out after the splashed paint dried.

They are preparing the banner for our game.

Balloons filled with acrylic paint.

 We were putting all the balloons into boxes so that it could brought over to the destination of the game.

Pinning the balloons up before the game.

The canvas are full of balloons. Someone already popped the balloon ! But who ?

Both lecturers and students were having fun at Colour Splash. Mr Ernesto was the first one to shoot the balloons and he also managed to pop it.

This is how all the splashed canvases look like. It looked great, right ?

These are he cupcakes that Nick and his sister made that were the ones that were up for grabs.

The lecturers trying out the Guess the Flavour and Mr Charles won a cupcake !

The trays that were used to fill water and a layer of oil.

These are the result of their game.

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