Wednesday 1 July 2015

Buddy Icon

For this assignment, it was given by another lecturer, Mr. Asrizal, that was teaching the same subject but only for a day every week. The buddy icon is made up of pixel art and the template was given to us by the lecturer. We follow the size, such as the width and height, according to the template given.

Other than that were based on the partner that was assigned to us. My partner for this assignment was Gan Ka Cong. Unfortunately, a week after this assignment, he quit and left our course. However, it does not change the fact that he was my partner and a pixel art of him was to be handed in to the lecturer before the deadline.

This was the template that was given to us:

Details were up to us whether we would like the details to be obvious and very specific or just a simple one. Therefore I chose to create a pixel art with a few designs that can be seen when zoomed out. 

This is the final artwork that I have made for this pixel art assignment:

As you may have noticed, I made a few highlights for his hair. My partner was wearing a light blue t-shirt with two or three buttons down from the collar and was also covered with white spots. He wore brownish-yellow pants that was only until his knees paired with sandals. He also had an anklet on his left ankle, which I have also added into the pixel art.

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