Wednesday 12 March 2014


13th February 2014

Ms Lisa told us to go around campus to look for recyclable materials that are suitable to be used to make a self portrait as our assignment for the second week. We were all given two hours to gather materials and create a self portrait with it.

This is the self portrait that I made using only materials found around the campus such as leaves, branches, plastic nettings and more.

After that, we presented our own mind maps to the class. I started my presentation with my favourite music. I enjoy listening to music and my favourite genre is K-pop and Ballad. After that I talked about my favourite colour which is black, turquoise and silver. To me, it doesn't matter if the animals are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores I like them a lot and I am against animal cruelty. I told the class that I would choose korean food over chinese food if I was given a choice between these two. However, if I were to choose from korean food and home cooked meals, I would happily choose home cooked meals anytime. One of my favourite sports is basketball. I have been playing basketball since primary school and I was also a school player. Besides that, I enjoy taking photographs especially especially candid and random photographs. I also enjoy playing games and I usually play online games. Next, I talked about my strength in art as I enjoy drawing as well. Last but not least, I love desserts specifically ice-cream and dark chocolate.

This is the mind map that I created about myself.

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