Thursday 20 March 2014

14th March 2014 (Week 6)
Seow Jie Yi (0318873)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 3: The Zone System

This week,  Mr Vinod told us about the zone system. The zone system was created by Ansel Adams, he is a great photographer.  He mentioned that the light meter in our camera is not trusted and we should not take it for granted that whatever reading the camera gave is correct. This is actually caused by how the camera functions as it assumes all background has the same tone which is in zone 5, also known as middle grey. He explained that when the light meter is 0, it mostly signifies that the photo is in zones 4, 5 and 6. Besides that, we were told that each zone is equals to 1 stop of the aperture.

These are a few images that was given by Mr Vinod:

Exercise 3.a. Light, Middle and Dark Tones
1. Choose 3 different subject matters of varying tones.
2. Firstly, take a photo of the subject matter that has varying shades of white.
3. Next, take a photo of the subject matter that has varying shades of grey (middle tones).
4. Then, take a photo of the subject matter that has varying shades within a dark area.



Aperture: f5.6
Shutter speed: 1/60
ISO: 200

Aperture: f5.6
Shutter speed: 1/100
ISO: 200


Aperture: f3.5
Shutter speed: 1/20
ISO: 200

Aperture: f3.5
Shutter speed: 1/13
ISO: 200


Aperture: f4
Shutter speed: 1/3
ISO: 200

Aperture: f4
Shutter speed: 1/6
ISO: 200

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