Thursday 1 May 2014

25th April 2014 (Week 11)
Seow Jie Yi (0318873)
Introduction to Photography
Final Project Process


As I was taking these photos, I tend to take photos of sceneries and the feedback that I had from Mr Vinod popped into my mind. He said to take a close up shot of a subject matter so that the photo would not end up looking like a landscape photo. Therefore, I tried to take photos close up.

Besides that, I realised that it would be easier for me to take a close up shot while using manual focussing as you can adjust it yourself and which subject matter to focus on. I used both auto and manual focus just to see the difference and I prefer the manual focus. The auto focus would not help in producing a desired photo because sometimes it would be blurry or it would focus on the other subject rather than the subject matter that I have in mind.

While I was choosing the subject matter, I thought to myself that the subject matter does not have to be something that is beautiful to achieve my theme which was 'Beauty in Nature'. Thus, I have chosen a half eaten leaf as one of the 5 photos that I have chosen for this week's assignment. The leaf may never be in its shape anymore but to me, it looked kind of unique but weird at the same time. In my opinion, the beauty in this photo was that the leaf was actually one of the two leaves that were eaten only even though the bush was as big as a car. 

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod said that my photos should be taken close up so that it has a better focal point. This is to help myself stick with the theme that I have chosen because a wide ranged photo would make my photo seem more like a landscape themed. Besides that, he also said that due to my theme, the photos taken should not have buildings in it. Also, he said that in these 5 photos, I should not repeat the same photo even though it may be slightly different because it may make the set of photos look repetitive.

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