Thursday 24 April 2014

18th April 2014 (Week 10)
Seow Jie Yi (0318873)
Introduction to Photography
Final Project Process


The theme that I have chosen is 'Beauty in Nature'. Although nature is supposed to be greeneries but there is none of it in these photos because we are needed to take photos using the black and white setting.

When I first walked to the park, I felt embarrassed when people were staring at me while I was taking photos. It bugged me to the point where I would just skip some beautiful sceneries just because I was ashamed to take photos of it especially where I have to stand at the edge of the rock just for some photos. But as the time goes by, I felt like I was in my own world where I did not care about the joggers and cyclists that passed by me and not to forget their stares. Furthermore, I actually walked back to the places that I had skipped earlier on and I did not regret the photos that I captured.

The hardest part of taking this photos is that there are a lot of people walk, jog, and cycle around this park. Therefore, giving me all the difficulties in producing my desired photos because I do not want any people nor pets in my photos. Sometimes I had to stand there and wait for the joggers or cyclists to go far enough so that I could not see them in the photos but after taking just a few shots, another train of people passes by. I could not blame those people either as the park is a public area and people are living a healthy lifestyle by exercising.

Other than that, the second and third photo took me quite some time to get the shot. Luckily, the insect was still there after I had managed to get the right lightings and the focussing of the lens. I was also at an awkward position just to get these shots but to me, it was worth it. I do not own a zooming lens and so I had to angle my camera as close to the insect as possible while hoping that it does not fly or crawl away.

Mr Vinod commented on our photos that we edited through Facebook after we had posted it onto our photography class' Facebook group. He said that my picture was edited a little bit too much as he said he could not see the right exposure for the picture anymore.

I was actually confused when he commented that because I heard Mr Vinod saying that he wanted us to edit our photos but also maintain the exposure. But after that he changed his mind and said we could edit it however we want so that we can take this ungraded assignment as a chance for us to explore and play around wit h photoshop for us to get used to it and therefore I edited it a lot.

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