Thursday 20 February 2014

14 February 2014 (Week 2)
Seow Jie Yi (0318873)
Intriduction to Photography

All of us did the presentations for our 10 best liked photos in class today. After we finished with our presentations, Mr Vinod presented his own best liked photos. Some of the photos that he chose were taken by himself during his career as a photographer while the others were taken by photographers that he liked and looked up to. The photos taken by him were mainly from India and Malaysia. Mr Vinod told us a few of the photographers that he looked up to such as Herb Ritts, Mark Seliger, Prabuddha Dasgupta, Richard Avedon, Manoj Jadhav and Raghu Rai. Although my knowledge about the photography world was little, I feel like I have learnt more about the photographers in the world after listening to his lecture.

Mr Vinod notified us to bring our own camera with manual and a tripod stand for our next class, which is next week. He also wants us to look through the PowerPoint presentation about aperture which will be the topic of our class next week.

General feedback : Mr Vinod said that some of us did some minor mistakes in our blog. Other than that, the clarity of the voice during presentation is very important and we need to be more confident while presenting our work in front of everyone. He said that he understands that we will be nervous sometimes as this was our first presentation ever since we started our course but we will be able to overcome that nervousness after a few more times of doing presentation of our work in front of the class.

Specific feedback: I was the first one to do my presentation, thus being the first one to be given the feedbacks as well. Mr Vinod said that my presentation was clear and concise. He said that he could understand what I said during my presentation. He also commented on my blog saying that everything was done great except that I lacked the format of writing the opening of the post such as the date, week, name and ID number.

Although I was very nervous when I was about to present my work in front of the class but I overcame it while I was in the middle of my presentation. Therefore, I have learnt to be less nervous while presenting my work in front of the class and have to be more confident while presenting so that I could improve my presentation skills as well as my communication skills.

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