Sunday 28 June 2015

Digital Imaging and Visualisation - Caricature

After a few weeks and a few lessons with our lecturer, Mr. Jeffrey, teaching us about the basics for the software Adobe Illustrator, we started on our first assignment. We were required to create a caricature of ourselves and to create it by using pen tool only. Which was kind of difficult for us. For me, at least. Fortunately, our lecturer recommended a game called The Bézier Game (Link: ) and honestly it did help me out.

For the sketch, I chose to exaggerate my head, including my eyes. The other parts of me are smaller in size compared to the enlarged head. Other than that, I chose to draw my caricature wearing my favourite coloured sweater with a jeans shorts. My hair was an ombré from black at the top of my head to red at the bottom part of my hair. I was planning on drawing the white sports shoe that I love wearing to campus which has bright pink laces.

This is the sketch that I have made for my caricature:

These are some pictures of the progress I have made throughout the weeks we were given to finish this assignment:

This is the artwork that I have submitted as my very first assignment for this subject:

As I have explained that I would exaggerate the size of my head and my eyes. Due to the fact that the head was enlarged, the hair was exaggerated as well to fit the size of the head. I made some extra detail for my hair. The eyebrows were made entirely using the pen tool and I had a hard time adjusting each and every one of the lines. My skin is not fair nor was I 'orange'. I was more of a tanned skin tone and I took my time trying out different tones of 'skin colours' until I found this that was close enough to my skin colour. I have also added some shadows for the creases on the sweater.